Tabs. Tabs Tabs Tabs Tabs Tabs.
I don't know how you might have found my blog but if you did then I'm sure you know what tabs are in a web browser. At least, I'd be willing to bet money that you do. If you don't then hopefully I can educate you. Remember back when the Internet first got popular? (HINT: If you do then you're probably old enough to be in the primary group of people this post is geared towards.) If you do then you'll remember the day of only being able to view one page at a time. In it's infancy, the web was far less exciting than it is now. Now, we have Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, a forum for anything imaginable and more pr0n than you can shake a stick at. Any modern browser has a feature called tabs. Webopedia actually has a great explanation of it. They describe it as "a function of some Web browsers that allow uses to surf and view multiple pages by loading the Web sites into 'tabbed' sections of one page, rather than multiple pages. This allows the user ...