First day on the new job and how I burned my tongue

We're moving this weekend. Not far; Just across town actually. But, lo, we're still moving. That means packing, cleaning, sorting, laboring, carrying, fixing, painting, aching, etc. That has pretty much my past couple weekends. Weekend before last, Sunday night, I was a bit nervous about my first day at my new job. What if nobody liked me? What if I sucked? What if I trip or throw up or do something embarrassing? What If I'm completely amazing and they make me the manager and Lord of all things electronic on campus? Yes, these were the thoughts stirring in my mind as I went to sleep. I got about 90 minutes of sleep before my brain was wide awake with questions and wonderment of the day to come.

After 4:30 hit with no sign of a layover in sleepy town, I started caffeinating. A couple cans of Pepsi should do it for me, right? I'll just try some coffee when I get to work. I'm not a coffee drinker but I would be that day. 

The bus ride was just like it always is; Crowded. Packed rather. After the sardine can came to my stop, I peeled the lid off and hopped out. Walked to my office, only to get there 15 minutes early. I couldn't get in since I didn't have my RFID card yet. I had to wait until the front lobby officially opened. Meanwhile, the humidity out side was insane. Somewhere in the 90th percentile but that's just North Florida.

As with any first day at a new position with a new company, your first couple weeks are complete and utter confusion as you learn what to do in specific situations, figuring out how your supervisor or trainer wants do things, where the bathroom is, etc.

I'm totally dragging all morning until I finally ask the trainer how to make coffee. He shows me where is is, how to use it, etc. I made my first cup of coffee, put shit in it, stirred it, and brought it back to my desk. I knew it was hot but I figured it'd have cooled off in the 20 or so minutes I let it sit. I took a sip and learned where coffee sits on the intergalactic heat scale. It goes Summer, the Equator, Lava, inside of a Hot Pocket, the surface of the Sun and then Keurig Coffee. I'd never burned the inside of my mouth so bad. It HURT! Come lunch time, the burned tongue made my lunch taste terrible. I even had a nice turkey sandwich made and everything. Oh well.

I got home and just completely passed out. Slept like a corpse for more hours that I should have. I'm now in my 4th day and it's coming together a lot more. I've met guys (and gals) from other departments that make up IT and am getting comfortable with my role. The guys I'm working with are great and have helped bring me up to speed while my actual supervisor is on vacation.

There'll be many more tales from the new job and more later. For now, it's back to reading department documentation. 


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